Turn on dark/light mode with [cmd/ctrl+ shift + L]. Highly suggest light mode for better experience].


How this system works

  1. Features are captured via the “Idea form
  2. PMs prioritize features via the “Prioritization view” [paste link to view]
  3. PMs fill the idea brief to bet on ideas the meet with leadership and colleagues for Betting
  4. Betted ideas get the “” status and move to “view”
  5. PMs now collaborate with designers and engineers to scope the feature (depending on type) using notion templates

For more info to the process, check out my article at Medium

🪜A practical way of implementing the RICE Framework!

1. Capture ideas

<aside> 👉 Suggestions

Use this tool to capture ideas> https://chilipepper.io/

Simply link the “Features Backlog” DB to ChiliPepper and choose the type of fields you need the idea poster to fill. Grab the link of the form and share it anywhere. I suggest you get the idea poster to fill at least the blelo


2. Manage feature using the Feature Management db

Features Management

<aside> 👉 A quick guide

3. Features Analysis

<aside> 👉 Suggestions

Use this tool to analyze backlog performance > https://notion2charts.com/

Simply paste the “Features Backlog” DB and choose what you need analysis on. Some suggestions are: